Optical and EPR spectra of the thionitrosyl complex [Cr(OH2)5(NS)]2+

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The green thionitrosyl complex [Cr(OH2)5(NS)]2+ was isolated in solution by hydrolysis of  [Cr(NCCH3)5(NS)]2+. The optical absorption spectra of both compounds are dominated by a band with vibrational progression around 600 nm assigned as a {dyz,zx,p*(NS)} ¿ {p*(NS),dyz,zx}* transition. The optical data indicate that the NS ligand is a weaker p-acceptor than the NO ligand. The EPR parameters of [Cr(OH2)5(NS)]2+ were determined: giso, g¦ and g-: 1.96515, 1.92686(5) and 1.986860(8); Aiso(53Cr), A¦(53Cr) and A-(53Cr): 25.3´10-4, 38´10-4 and 18.5´10-4cm-1; Aiso(14N), A¦(14N) and A-(14N): 6.5´10-4, 2.81´10-4 and 8.346(12)´10-4 cm-1.

TidsskriftInorganica Chimica Acta
Sider (fra-til)259-262
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2008

ID: 8804829