Theis Ivan Sølling

Theis Ivan Sølling


Research Experience

1996               Collaborative project with Dr Henri E. Audier’s research group, Ecole

1997-1998    The research group of Professor Leo Radom, Australian National University.

2000              Collaborative work in Professor Leo Radoms research group, Australian National University.

2000 – 2002  The research group of Professor Ahmed H. Zewail, Post-doctoral fellow, California Institute of Technology.

2002 – 2004   Danish Polymer Center, Project researcher, Risø National Laboratories

2005–             Collaborative work in the research groups of Prof. Peter M. Weber, Brown University, USA, Prof. Albert Stolow, NRC, Canada. Assoc. Prof. Kuo-Wei Huang, KAUST, Saudi Arabia, Prof. Eric Wei-Guang Diau, NCTU, Taiwan.

2004 – 2016   Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen

2013 – 2014   EOR team, Maersk Oil Qatar

2014 – 2016   Digital Core Lab Team Lead, Maersk Oil Qatar

2016–             Professor, University of Copenhagen


2001 –            Referee for Chemical Physics Letters, Angewandte Chemie, ChemPhysChem and Chemical Physics, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Journal of the American Chemical Society and Journal of Chemical Physics

2007- 2013    Board member, Danish Chemical Society, organic section

2008               Organizing committee Nordic Femto 08

2013               Organizing committee Femto 11


Student uptake; B.Sc., M. Sc.and Ph.D.

2004-             4 Ph. D. (2 on going), 9 M. Sc., 10 B. Sc.    

Previous PhD. students:

Liv B. Klein (Novo), Thomas S. Kuhlman (Novozymes), Rasmus Y. Brogaard (Universitet i Oslo) and Nerijus Rusteika (Expla Optics)   




                  First year organic chemisty, involvement at all levels (laboratory and class room teaching, lecturing and course planning)

                  First year nano technology (solar cell laboratory course)

                  First year introduction to chemistry (class room teaching and lecturing)

                  Third year advanced organic chemistry (class room teaching, lecturing and course planning)

                  Third year course in advanced photochemistry (class room teaching, lecturing and course planning)

                   Masters/Ph. D. course in advanced organic chemistry (class room teaching, lecturing and course planning)


Awards and grants (last ten years).

2005              Statens Naturvidenskabelige forskningsraad, Apparatus grant.

2005              Carlsberg Foundation, Apparatus grant.

2005              Director Ib Henriksens Foundation. Apparatus grant

2005-2010    Danish National Research Foundation, “Centre for Molecular Movies” under the leadership of Prof. Martin M. Nielsen.

2006              Torkild Holms Foundation. Travel grant

2006              FNU operating expenses

2008              FNU apparatus grant

2011              NTCU Travel grant to visit prof. Eric Diau, National Chaio Tung Uni, Taiwan

2012              Danish Universities/JSPS: Denmark-Japan Researcher Exchange program

2013              Villum-Kahn Rasmussen Grant

2013              FNU Grant

2013              FNU travel grant



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